Digital Writing and Research Certificate

The Digital Writing & Research Certificate is designed to help DWRL members demonstrate, situate, and reflect on how they have used lab resources to create digital artifacts that showcase their technological skills, innovative pedagogy, and cutting-edge scholarship.

The Digital Writing & Research Certificate recognizes that recipients have:

  • learned new technologies and skills and applied them in pedagogy and research;
  • developed a collection of digital materials that demonstrates their skills;
  • written persuasively and clearly about digital scholarship and pedagogy.

DWRL members are encouraged (though not required) to earn the DWR Certificate. The program is also open to non-lab members; interested non-lab members can contact the DWRL’s Program Coordinator for details.

If you are a DWRL member interested in earning your DWR Certificate, begin by applying for an account on the DWRC site.

How do I learn the necessary skills?

The DWRL will support your efforts in the following ways:

  • technologically, by providing software, hardware, gadgets, skills, resources, and tutorials;
  • pedagogically, by teaching you how to apply skills in your classroom;
  • and scholastically, by teaching you how to incorporate digital writing and research into your scholarship.

The DWRL Certificate is designed to be attainable for lab members since you are already learning new technologies and applying your skills! Lab members will already be completing Lesson Plans, Blogging Pedagogy posts, and project group work throughout the year. By regularly attending workshops and continuing your projects in open lab, and by creating digital projects for your classroom, you can produce digital artifacts that demonstrate your skills.