With the changes to the DWRL’s structure and operations this year, we’re bidding farewell to our previous publications. Zeugma was made between 2012 and 2015, and over its run tackled a broad range of current issues around rhetoric and technology. While we are not currently planning an ongoing podcast series like Zeugma, lab members will continue to compose with sound and you can look forward to hearing from them–quite literally–on our website in the months ahead
The infographic below details some of the highlights of Zeugma’s three seasons. A transcript of the infographic is provided as alt-text for visitors using screenreaders and is duplicated below the image.
Infographic transcription
The Digital Writing and Research Lab produced Zeugma, a podcast about rhetoric and technology, from 2012 to 2015. In those three years, 15 rhetoricians produced three seasons of the podcast and 38 episodes in total, with 26 episodes across the regular seasons and 12 special features.
Zeugma had listeners in 73 countries, with 81% of downloads originating in the United States, 3% in the United Kingdom, and 16% from the rest of the world.
The most popular episode of the program was the eighth episode of the second season, “Hacking”. The fourth episode of season one, “Procrastinating”, came in second, and the fifth episode of season one, “Trolling”, third.
Most downloads of Zeugma came from Apple devices — 34% from iOS and 13% from iTunes. 14% of listeners accessed Zeugma using Mozilla or Firefox, and 13% used Chrome.
Zeugma conducted interviews with two of the guests at the DWRL’s annual Speaker Series. Jody Shipka spoke on “Evocative Objects” in 2013 and Collin Brooke spoke on “Entropics of Discourse” in 2014.
Zeugma also conducted interviews at the 2014 Rhetoric Society of America conference and released these as a series of Summer Specials. The interviewees were Roxanne Mountford, Collin Brooke, Jeff Rice, Joyce Locke Carter and Victor Vitanza.
The Season 1 Zeugma team comprised Eric Detweiler (project leader), Andy Uzendoski, Axel Bohmann, Hala Herbly, Lisa Gulesserian, Michael Roberts and Patrick Schultz.
The Season 2 Zeugma team comprised Axel Bohmann (project leader), Andy Uzendoski, Beck Wise, Duncan Moench, Jake Cowan, Megan Eatman and Michael Roberts.
The Season 3 Zeugma team comprised Beck Wise (project leader, fall), Dusty Hixenbaugh (project leader, spring), Jeremy Smyczek, Katharine Stevenson and Sarah Riddick.
Zeugma’s archives are still available online at zeugma.dwrl.utexas.edu