
Introducing our Fall 2015 Research Priorities: Augmented Reality

Google cardboard headset on a table

Our 2015 Priority in Locative Media is Augmented Reality. Mobile interfaces—including but not limited to smartphones and wearable devices—allow information and sensory experience to be layered over the physical-geographic world, mediating and supplementing users’ perceptions of ‘reality’, space, and place. Given the increased prevalence of such technologies and intense recent interest in rhetorics of space and place, such additions to the lived environment afford rich possibilities for rhetorical scholarship and instruction.

The group of lab members working on this priority may take a variety of theoretical and technical approaches to it, exploring areas such as rhetorical aspects of embodiment and sensory experience, uses of devices and mobile interfaces, theories of space and place, or tactical and activist applications of augmented reality.

Suggested Reading

Farman, Jason. “Embodiment and the Mobile Interface.” Mobile Interface Theory: Embodied Space and Locative Media. New York: Routledge, 2012.

Endres, Danielle and Samantha Senda-Cook. “Location Matters: The Rhetoric of Place in Protest.” Quarterly Journal of Speech. 97.3 (2011): 257-282.

Thielmann, Tristan. “Locative Media and Mediated Localities: An Introduction to Media Geography.” Aether: The Journal of Media Geography. 5A (2010)

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