Dr. Nathaniel Rivers of Saint Louis University gave a talk on March 22, 2017 in the DWRL. His talk built on Dr. Casey Boyle's article "Writing and Rhetoric and/as Posthuman Practice" in College English. This video reiterates that talk. Serial Exposition from DWRL on Vimeo.
DWRL Alumni Network Event
Annotation Swarm: DWRLers to Illuminate Alumnus James Brown’s Book
In honor of Open Access Week, October 19 through 25, the University of Texas at Austin’s Digital Writing and Research Lab (DWRL) will lead a collaborative annotation of DWRL alumnus James Brown's new book Ethical Programs: Hospitality and the Rhetorics of Software (University of Michigan Press, 2015) using the Hypothes.is...
A Long Goodbye to Currents
We've been saying goodbye to Currents in Electronic Literacy for a while now. In 2014, the journal published its retrospective issue. In the Spring of 2015, we made the official announcement that Currents would cease publication. In the announcement, we wrote, "After a great deal of soul searching and discussion,...
Workshop 9/18: Annotating the Web with Jeremy Dean of Hypothes.is.