
Eli Review at the DWRL

Recently, Professor Bill Hart-Davidson from Michigan State University visited our spaces in the DWRL to discuss Eli Review, a software service for writing courses that he has helped co-develop. Whether you’re an instructor in an undergraduate composition classroom or a grade school teacher working with hormonal youths, Eli Review both simplifies and expands pedagogical possibilities. By analytically structuring peer review and revision, Eli Review provides students with well-defined objectives while giving instructors detailed information on the progress of their classes.

A screen shot from the Eli Review homepage. The image shows 5 orange and blue circles, each with an icon representing one of 5 steps within the Eli Review process. The third step, "Debrief and Process Feedback," is highlighted.

We live tweeted Professor Hart-Davidson’s presentation, as well as streamed it via Facebook live; so if you couldn’t make it to the DWRL that day—whether because you were away at Austin City Limits or well beyond the city limits—here’s your chance to take part in the always ongoing discussion.

And make sure to check out both forms of the talk below:

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