
2019 Flash Fellowships

Sarah Welsh and Rae Piwarski working on a screen cast.

At the start of each Fall semester, staffers and students affiliated with the DWRL have the opportunity to apply for Flash Fellowships. These awards provide recipients with the time, funding, and technical resources they need to accomplish a contained project related to their own research and scholarship. Assistant instructors and staffers articulate their flash fellowship’s theoretical and pedagogical rationale, and think through any resources that they’ll need to complete the project.

Each submission undergoes a committee review that gives the applicants feedback on their project and, if granted, provides the requested resources. Projects have gone on to become publications, pieces of dissertations, or have also provided space for digital experimentation.

For the next couple of weeks, we’ll feature posts on the blog that each staffer has written to provide an overview of their project.

Zoe Bursztajn-Illingworth : The Re-Lineator

Steven Dadugblor : <a href=”https://www.dwrl.utexas.edu/2019/04/11/flash-fellowship-the-ghana-election-petition/”> The Ghana Election Petition </a>

Claudio Eduardo : Online Resource for Inclusivity Oriented Classrooms

Brittany Erwin : Bureaucracy on the Ground in Colonial Mexico

Hannah Foltz : Unpacking the UT ID

Megan McQuaid : An Ethnographic StoryMap of Sicily

Cindy-Lou Holland : Distant Relations

Rae Piwarski : Building Memories in an Arduino House

Michelle Rabe : DWRLy the Arduino Bot

KJ Schaeffner : Arduino Escape Room

Mac Scott : Networked Rhetorics

Amy Tuttle : Computational Citation Categorization

Nelson Yang : Data Finance Management

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