You will write a persuasive argument proposing a course of action to address your chosen local controversy. This essay should acknowledge different viewpoints and recommend a solution that could convince multiple stakeholders. The project could be a more practical proposal, like one that would be aimed at the city council or the appropriate university administrative offices, or a policy proposal, like one that might appear in the campus or town newspaper. It could take several forms, including but not limited to
- a proposal to a decision-making body (ex: a written proposal to UT Student Government or student organizations .
- a recommendation (ex: a recommendation report to UT’s Services for Students with Disabilities, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement , or the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
- an opinion column to appear in a news outlet that your audience might read (ex: the Daily Texan or UT News).
To write this argument, you will:
- Perform and document additional research, including primary research (such as interviews and surveys) and/or secondary research (such as finding published information sources and evidence).
- Target a particular (local) audience and consider what rhetorical appeals will be most convincing to this audience.
- Propose a course of action for addressing the problem, supporting it with evidence from your research and with rhetorical appeals.
Your argument should:
- be typed, 1,500-2,200 words long, double-spaced pages and follow MLA formatting and citation style
- establish that the problem you’re addressing
- clearly articulate a feasible course of action that will address the problem
- defend your argument with reasons and evidence that will appeal to the audience
- strategically and effectively incorporate at least three sources.
- convincingly address potential objections with concession, refutation, and/or counterargument
- be written effectively and coherently