At the start of the 2015 fall semester, we (the Augmented Reality Research Group) sat down to decide on our project. Several recent events in the news over the past year had influenced our decision. On June 17th, Dylann Roof, a white twenty-one-year-old male, had just shot and killed nine...
Digital Lesson Plan Open House: Augmented Reality
To Our Usual Readers, In lieu of a conventional blog post, and in preparation for the 2015 DWRL Digital Lesson Plan Open House, this post summarizes a lesson on augmenting a physical space to better understand arguments about the rhetoric of space -- in this case, the DWRL itself (how meta!). See...
Past the Littlefield Fountain: Turning Missing Statues Into Teaching Opportunities
Have you ever been planning a lesson, and the resource you're looking for isn't there? Maybe it's a YouTube video you saw that would be perfect, maybe it's just a simple handout. Either way, a missing resource can be extremely frustrating, especially if you didn't have time to check the...
Past the Littlefield Fountain: The Educational Value of the UT Confederate Statues
In my previous blog post, I started my exploration into some of the articles about the Confederate statues on the UT South Lawn. Specifically, I looked at “At the University of Texas, Echoes of its Confederate Past Reverberate in the Present" by Travis Knoll, a history PhD student at Duke. Knoll's...
Seeing Past the Littlefield Fountain
For my first individual blog post on my research into the six Confederate statues that line UT’s South Mall -- as well as my research on similar projects at the University and how they both relate to current national controversies surrounding what the Confederate flag stands for, as well, more generally,...
The World, But Better
The Augmented Reality Research Group is excited to introduce our project for the fall 2015 semester. But first of all, what is augmented reality? Commonly abbreviated AR, it is indeed just what it sounds like: taking the real world around you and enhancing it with the digital world. One of the...