
Discuss This!: Structuring Reading Discussions through Collaborative Annotations

A DWRL Practicum Online Module by Abby Burns. As a hard-of-hearing instructor who struggles intermittently with listening fatigue, there are days when keeping up with class discussion eats away at all of my energy (or requires more energy than I have), diminishing my capacity to respond in real time. One tool I have come stand by for negotiating this problem is collaborative annotation platforms like Perusall or Hypothes.is. These platforms allow students to connect on the (digital) margins of a shared PDF, taking collaborative notes directly on assigned readings.

Lesson Plan: Contextual Analysis of Digital Media

Increasingly we depend on social media and online publications for access to news and information that affects our lives and informs our decisions. With the speed of circulation and the everydayness of digital mediation, critical engagement with contextual elements of online environments is paramount to current rhetorical education. This lesson plan asks students to compare […]

Flash Fellowship: Unpacking the UT ID

I am working on a paper and accompanying Scalar site that uses the UT student ID card to center a discussion of social control in the university. This piece will “make the familiar strange” by unpacking the history, technology, economics, and visual branding of the UT ID card. I hope to show that, in contrast […]


events recent events Watch Dr. Scott Graham’s “AI & Student Writing: Perils and Pedagogies” >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cnfZ5n4ToE Fall Speaker Series Event: Non-Human Witnessing as Critical Practice with Dr. Michael Richardson In Nonhuman Witnessing: War, Data, and Ecology after the End of the World (Duke UP, 2024), Dr. Michael Richardson (University of New South Wales, Sydney) shows […]

Lesson Plan: Teaching Context with Video Creation

Undergraduate students sometimes have trouble leveraging historical context to the end of persuasion. Reasons for this include that they may not see contextualizing (including the use of historical context) as a discrete and substantial task worthy of the same creative intellectual effort given the construction of arguments. That contextualizing is sometimes taught as just one […]


UT-Austin’s site for exploring emerging digital literacies Through WRITING, research, INSTRUCTION, HARDWARE, and theory our servicesfor DWRL and UT College of Liberal Arts students and faculty Technical Support Need help with classroom tech or lab equipment? Click to read classroom procedures or file a support ticket.   Contact Support Room Reservations Need a room for meetings, […]

Lesson Plan: Genre and Music

In Carolyn Miller’s foundational text in Rhetorical Genre Studies, “Genre as Social Action,” (1984) she asserts the utility in studying “homely discourses.” Examining the quotidian genres we interact with on a daily basis does not “trivialize the study of genres,” Miller states, but it actually “take[s] seriously the rhetoric in which we find ourselves immersed.” […]