Today, I want to introduce a cool tool I have recently discovered: Google Fusion Tables. The basic idea is simple but powerful: the program will take any spreadsheet it is given, look for geolocation information in it, and display the individual items in the sheet on a map. (more…)
Cool Tools: Podcasting with Audacity (and beyond)
At the beginning of this semester, I gave a little lab-internal introduction to audio recording and editing. Since then, a number of people have asked me to share the materials from this workshop or come to their class and get their students going on podcast projects. (more…)
Twitter’s Open Heart Surgery: More Than Just Cosmetic
As of this week, on Twitter you can no longer “favorite” tweets. Instead, you “like” them, a change in language that is visually represented by a move away from the little clickable star icon at the bottom of a tweet to a little heart that turns bright red if you...
African American English, Appropriation and Corporate Culture Killers
So, you might have heard that Taco Bell’s marketing strategy is “on cleek.” (If you get what’s funny about this, read right on; if not: their marketing genius is appropriating and obviously butchering the expression on fleek, derived from African American English and recently popularized on social media.) It’s easy...
The Problem with Appropriation
In a recent blog post, I talked about the opportunities Twitter offers for tracing processes by which the cultural mainstream appropriates African American English linguistic practices, often for gains in material as well as cultural capital. In that post, I focused on the how of the critique without going into...
Examining Code, Debugging Rhetoric
Recently, I have been receiving lots of love letters from Python, full of emotional language like the following: (more…)
What Color is the Twitter Bird?
Do a Google image search for terms like 'tweeting' or 'people using Twitter' and look through the results. Notice anything? Unless Google personalizes your search way differently from mine (and anyone I've asked), you'll see a lot of images of the following type: a phone or tablet displaying some form...